Orlando Chefs

Chefs Profile Questions

Get Started


[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Areas you service’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ required=’1′ options=’Orlando,Orlando plus 10 miles,Orlando plus 25 miles’/]


[contact-field label=’Amount of people you can serve’ type=’select’ options=’1-2,4-6,6-8,8-10,10-15,15-20,20+’/][contact-field label=’Availabilty’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ required=’1′ options=’Full Availabilty,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Sunday,Saturday,Sunday’/]


[contact-field label=’Services you provide’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ required=’1′ options=’Breakfast,Lunch,Dinners,Buffets,Platted Dinners,Prepared Meals,Cooking Instruction’/]


[contact-field label=’Great things about your cooking’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Do you only cook specific cuisines? If so what are they? ‘ type=’text’/][/contact-form]



" My Chefs new chef connection website My Dream Chef will be up and running in a few months "


Clients easily connect with chefs instantly in any city based on there particular needs

Chefs gain business without having to pay booking fees


Social Chefs

Chefs of any experience level from anywhere can connect, share, inspire and grow. Gain knowledge, exposure enter contests and promotions. Anyone can cook anyone can share.


Current Gigs

Until our new site is ready we are able to connect clients with available chefs manually. Fill out the chefs profile question form completely. This will make it easy for us to provide clients with the best fit chef for each particular event.

How it works

My Chef will handle all client contact up until the day of service. This includes, conciliation, menus, pricing and payment. My Chef will forward all client contact information needed to you for the event. You will receive the full sale price of the event minus 11% which includes payment processing. Your money  will be transferred automatically via Pay Pal.